HPV | Human Perpilloma Virus

Human Perpilloma Virus HPV
Human papilloma virus or HPV is the most common sexuallytransmitted infection that affects those groups that are sexually active. There are numerous different types of HPV virus that affect the human being, both male and female. In fact, there are well over 30 types of HPV virus that affects human being through sexual intercourse mostly. In most cases, people affected with HPV might not know they have it, which is why HPV is commonly the causes of cervical cancer in women.
HPV can easily be cleared away if such person really has a strong immune system. But there are some cases in which such person immune system can be affected and no more strong such as viral infections like HIV, use of some drugs like chemotherapy drugs and some other diseases.
In the United States alone, there are over twenty million current cases of HPV infected persons, and over 6 million will be diagnosed of having HPV each year.

Signs and symptoms of HPV are:
-          Warts in the throats which is sometimes rare and in medical terms, it is called Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
-          Genital warts
-          Cervical cancer: however, having HPV, does not mean you might develop cervical cancer, it is just that it might increase your chances of having the disease if it is not properly taken cared of. See Cervical Cancer

How is HPV transmitted?
HPV is in most cases passed through sexual intercourse with a person that is infected. There is an increased chance that a person who keeps several sexual partners without protections will have HPV virus and transmit the disease.

The fact is that, HPV can stay up in the body silently without causing any symptoms or whatsoever but doing hidden damages in the body. That is why long term infection of the virus may lead to cervical cancer. And if such person has HIV virus, such person’s immune system will be strongly affected and reduced and increased chances of HPV occurring.

How to prevent HPV
-          Uses of vaccines which are given in three shots which is important to get prevent the virus if infected. Most vaccines are given at the ages of 10, 20 and above respectively. There are vaccines which are available for both male and female.

-          Use of condoms does go a long way of protecting you from having the disease. Especially if you are the type that have multiple sex partners or you just do not trust the sexual history of your sexual partner. Best is to use condoms all the time.

-          Abstinence:  means to abstain from sex.

-          Be faithful to your partner: this will go a long way as keeping multiple partners will increase your chances of having the infection

-          Take lots of aloe vera: aloe vera has been known to boost the immune system, help cancer patients, HIV patients. It helps the body to produce new cells, eradicate free radicals in the body and so much more. See why you must use aloe vera from cradle to grave. So, a 20 ml of aloe vera drink a day is just perfect for you..

I have decided to write this short article to compliment cervical cancer article that I earlier wrote, just to give you a short explanation about what HPV Is all about.

In conclusion, most diseases which affect us are easily preventable if we follow simple principles to protect ourselves and loved once.  HPV can stay up in the body and you may not know you have it, and it is just best to prevent yourself from getting infected by using condoms or boosting and make your immune system stronger by taking a 20ml aloe vera drink every day.

Related articles:
-          Staphylococcus
-          Cervical Cancer

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what is the human papilloma virus


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