Please read to the end
to see our quality Aloe Vera Products.
What is Aloe Vera?
When the aloe vera gel is used fresh from the leaf or if
properly stabilized by professional manufacturers it has function of: Healing, Immune
Boosting, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, nutritious and generally good for the health.
There are so many non-quality aloe vera products today. A
good aloe vera producing company will be certified by high quality certifying
organizations like IASC, ISA and Kosher Rating.
Early accounts:
Earliest accounts of Aloe Vera was by the Greek physicians who described Aloe
Vera as treating boils and haemorrhoids, healing foreskin, ulcerated genitals,
help heal bruising.
Other early accounts include the Roman Physicians, the Chinese,
Caribbean, which characterised aloe vera as a miracle plant that can heal all
forms of diseases. The Egyptian queens then, used it as an anti-aging, rejuvenate
the skin etc. there kings used it because it helps to induce sex hormones and
improve libido and also the use of it as a tonic and general health properties.
Contents of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera contains the following:
- 1. Amino Acids: amino acids helps proteins to build properly and also proper brain functioning. The aloe vera (true aloe) contains important and non-important amino acids which are: - tryptophan, valin, threonine, Phenylalanine, Methionine, Lysine, Leucine, Alanine, Arhinine,Asparagine, Cystenie, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Threonine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, Anthraquinones.
- 2. Anthroquinones: sometimes called anthracenedione or dioxoanthracene. They are are traditionally used as laxatives and sometime for treating Alzheimer’s disease. Contains: Aloetic acid (an anti-biotic), Aloe Emodin (bactericidal) anti-viral (aloin), Anthracene. (Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory), Anthranol (anti-biotic), Estherol Oil (an analgesic component), Emodin (for bacteria and skin problems).
- 3. Minerals: Calcium and phosphorous for strong bones and teeths, Copper an essential component of red blood cells, Iron for proper blood oxygen transportation, Pottassium for regulating and maintaining fluid in the body, sodium, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium for balancing blood sugar (diabetic patients).
- 4. Lignin: this is a complex organic polymer deposited in the cell walls of many plants to make them rigid and woody. Lignin health effects are well documented with its biotic effects like an anti-oxidant. Proper formation of cells in the body.
- 5. Enzymes: enzymes are very important to life. Every plant and animals need them to break down the protein we eat into amino acids. Examples of enzymes found in true Aloe are: Amylase, Carboxypeptidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Oxidase, Catalase, Cellulase (digestion of cellulose), Lipase (digestion of fat) obesity.
- 6. Mono and polysaccharides: These are simple sugar, glucose and mannose. Studies have found them to restore and boost the immune system, have anti-viral properties, increases the production of white blood cells
- 7. Salicylic acid: this helps the body when you have a high body fever. Its general functions are improved fever and pain, combats stroke, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer, diabetes and heart disease.
- 8. Sterols: natural with plants which performs analgesic, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory functions.
- 9. Saponins: these are natural soapy substances. In aloe vera soaps or toothpastes, that is what makes them to be foamy.
- 10. Vitamins: vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Folic Acid.
- 11. It is a powerful anti-oxidant and eliminates free radicals in the body. Free radicals are foreign materials that get into our body. They perform more harms than good
What are the Characteristics of Aloe Vera?
Anybody can take aloe vera because it has the ability to adapt to specific
problem which a person might be facing. The fact is that if you are taking aloe
vera for a particular type of disease, you will be surprised to notice that
some other ailment you are taking is being cured.
properties: Researches have made us to understand that taking aloe vera
helps to improve fibroblast by accelerating collagen production process. Fibroblast cells are found in the dermis of
the skin which is responsible for the fabrication of collagen.
because it contains sterols.
Powerful anti-oxidant
and immune Booster: aloe vera helps the body to release tumour necrosis
factor alpha, which does not allow the supply of blood to cancer growths. It
also helps to improve the immune system which has helps people leaving with
detoxifying functions. Cleanse your inside.
proper digestion
Helps to
improve diabetes condition because it helps in controlling blood sugar
level in the body.
A good
moisturizer and have cohesive functions.
Now, tell me why you shouldn’t use Aloe?
Proof of Quality
There are so many brands of aloe vera in the market
but most of them are of low quality. Most aloe vera products being sold
reduced prices do have little content of aloe vera in them. They may do
harm than good and it is best you seek quality aloe vera that will
improve your health and make you happy. After all, happiness is what
most of us seek.
Quality: to determine that aloe vera based product is good,
it must have proof of quality. The following organizations certify companies
with quality aloe vera products. If a company has all this certifications, then
you have guaranteed quality aloe vera product.
- 1.
The IASC International Aloe science Council. They are charged with certifying quality in aloe vera based products. Any company not registered with them does not have quality aloe vera products. On there website, they have lists of aloe vera certified producers and lists of non-good aloe vera producers. So, if you buy an aloe vera drink or product, make sure it is listed on the IASC website.
- 2.
Kosher Rating: a company that has this rating is said to have very high quality aloe vera. This is because koshers rating standard sets are high and rigidly adhered to by many religious groups throughout the world.
- 3.
Islamic Seal of Approval (ISA): this seal is a measure of quality and purity and shows products confirmed to the highest standards.
- 4.
Not tested on animals: an indication that animals have not been tested on this product.
Briefly, Forever Living products (FLP): FLP is the world
largest grower and producer of aloe vera, aloe vera based products and honey
based products. Listed on Forbes with an annual turnover of over $2billion. It
was founded in 1978 by Rex Maughan.
Our aloe vera based products are certified by IASC, ISA and
Kosher. Which give us to know that
they are of the highest quality.
My Distributor id 234001278666 . you need it to process your order.
Your money back guarantee if you feel our products are of low quality. you can order as many as you want
Your money back guarantee if you feel our products are of low quality. you can order as many as you want
Aloe Vera gel(drink):
our drink has been stabilized and it is guaranteed to be 100% pure aloe vera.
Other aloe vera
products certified by IASC, Kosher and ISA drinks are:
Aloe Berry Nectar: a combination of cranberry and aloe vera.
Cranberry juice has been known to treat Urinary Tract Infection. Its of the highest quality.
Forever Freedom: a
combination of Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM (Methyl Sulfonic Methane) and vitamin C. this is good
for proper joint functioning and helps the build-up of cartilages around the
bone area.
Forever Beats and Peaches: nice aloe natural sweet taste meant for your children so that they can conveniently fill the happiness in aloe vera
our aloe store contains high quality aloe vera personal, beauty and skin care products like Aloe Vera Gelly, Aloe Moisturizing Cream, Aloe Msm Gel, Alpha E Factor and much more: imagine using pure
aloe Vera on your skin and see how you will stay younger and beautiful, perfect for anti aging. Start Ordering Today by clicking here
Products ordered online are guaranteed to be shipped to
their shipping addresses by the company.
Place your order today. Our online store is very secure, so your
information is not shared or leaked to any form of person or whatsoever.
in other words, your information is kept strictly confidential. This
is my distributor ID: 234001278666.
Payments options include
master card, visa, money gram, western union etc.
if you have any symptom, please see your health professional.
tags:pure aloe vera juice, forever living aloe vera products, natural aloe vera, buy aloe vera plant online, where can i buy aloe vera,
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