Cervical cancer (cervical
cancer and Aloe Vera see below to red more)
What is cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer is the development of cancerous or tumorous
cells in the cervix. The growth of these cancerous cells could be benign or
malignant. Benign as in, it is not invasive, but if it is malignant, it is
evasive and can be a threat to life.
The cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus, which is in
the pelvis, is part of the women reproductive system, which connects the uterus
with the vagina and helps the inflow of blood into the vagina during
menstruation. It also helps the mobility of sperm into the uterus for
fertilization by the production of mucus and helps keep the baby inside the uterus
during pregnancy.
Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women
which has an estimated 500,000 to 530,000 cases annually and responsible for
over 200,000 deaths in 2008. Cervical cancer is much more prevalent in the
developing countries than the developed countries and this could be due to lack
of awareness and information.
The fact is, cervical cancer is more common in women age 60
and above because they may be less willing to go for medical screening and go
for treatment options.
Cause and risk factors for cervical cancer:
Although, the following risk factors may not necessarily
mean that such woman will develop cervical cancer in her latter life, which has
made doctors to be more confused why some women develop the disease and some
women do not. But the following are most common risk and cause factors that may
induce cervical cancer.
- - Human Papilloma virus: this is a group of virus that affects the cervix. There are over 30 types of hpv virus that affects the cervix and only some will go away by itself and some will persist over a period of time and will not go away. This ones that persist, are the ones that could cause cervical cancer. Hpv is transmitted from one person to another through unprotected sexual intercourse especially if such person has multiple sexual partners, such person chances of having hpv is higher.
- - Low or strong immune system. Naturally, our immune system is our defence mechanism for most diseases and infections, and if it is weakened, then, our body will easily be taken over by these dangerous diseases.
- - Smoking: women which have hpv and smoking have a higher chance of having cervical cancer
- - Use of birth control medicines for a long period of time: the use of birth control medicines constantly for a period of 5 years or over can increase the chance of cervical cancer especially if such woman has hpv
- - Lack of check-up and test: Pap test is used by the doctors to know if there are abnormal cell growths in the cervix. If an early growth is detected, then, a quick action is taken by removing or destroying the potential cancerous cell. This would prevent the cervical cancer.
- - DES (diethystilbestrol): Des was given to pregnant women in the mistaken belief that it would reduce complications and losses in pregnancy. Later, it was known to cause a vaginal tumour (cervical cancer) in girls and women who have used it before. However, this all happened in the mid-1900 and 1970s.
Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer:
Like most other symptoms in most cancer diseases which do
not occur not until they are getting worse and bigger, likewise, cervical
cancer symptoms do not occur early, not until the tumour has grown bigger.
These symptoms could also be associated with some other types of diseases and
infections such as gonorrhoea, syphilis etc. But the following symptoms are
also common with cervical cancer:
- - When there is bleeding after sexual intercourse
- - Experiencing of pain during sexual intercourse
- - Vaginal bleeding which is quiet abnormal
- - Heavier and longer menstruation
- - Seeing blood or menstruating even after you are already into menopause
- - Pains in the pelvic
- - Vaginal discharge increases.
Diagnosing cervical cancer
Preventing cervical cancer is the most important, that is
why it is usually required for a woman to go for regular check up with the
doctor. Mostly, the doctor uses PAP test which is sometimes called cervical
smear or Pap smear, and it is used to look at the cervical cells to determine
if there are abnormal cells growths. Other test which your doctor may carry out
on you in case he finds out that there are abnormal cell growths or cell
division include:
Punch biopsy
Endocervical curettage
The followings above are diagnosing test
options to ascertain that there are abnormal cell divisions or growth in the
cervix. The test options could be painful at times after it has been carried
out. The pains however, maybe close to the experience you have whenever you
have a menstrual pain. But your doctor might give you some pills to relief you
of the pain.
Stages of cervical cancer:
Staging is to allow your doctor to know the best treatment
option for you if you have been diagnosed of cervical cancer. Staging is also
to ascertain if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body such as the
pelvis, lymph nodes, liver, lungs or the bones.
Note that, if cervical cancer spread to the bone, it is
known has metastatic cervical cancer and not bone cancer. It is will be treated
has cervical cancer and not bone cancer.
Stages include:
Stage I: here, cancer growths and abnormal
division are only found in the cervix and no other area yet.
Stage II: here, the cancer growth has extended
into the upper part of the vagina and not yet affected the pelvic wall or the
lower part of the vagina.
Stage III: here, the cancer cells have or tumour
have extended into the lower part of the vagina and might have affected the pelvis
wall also at the same time the kidneys
Stage IV: here, the cancer has spread to the
other parts of the body, either lungs, bones, rectum etc
However, to learn the extent at which the cervix and the
surrounding tissues have been affected, the doctor will order one or more of
the following. This will also help to known and ascertain the stage of the
cancer. It is paramount to know that, before any treatment options should be
rolled out, it stage more has been known for effective treatment:
Chest X-ray:
this will often let the doctor know if the cancer has spread to other
part like the lungs.
Computer Tomography or CT Scan: this is a close
resemblance with an xray scan, but only that it is aided with a computer and monitor
which takes different quality pictures and determine where the tumour has
reached in the body
Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI: is a powerful
magnet that is linked to a computer to take detailed pictures of the woman
pelvis and the abdomen. Also will determine the spread of this cancer cells to
other parts of the body
Position Emission Tomography scan or PET-Scan: PET
scan are done when in most cases, you may be required not to eat 6 hours before
the scan. Here, sugar is injected into the body, and viewed through the
computer monitor. Because cancer cells used up more sugar than normal cells,
the places that are brighter on the computer monitor shows that such area is
full of cancer cells.
Cervical cancer and treatment options:
Treatment options are based on stages and sizes of the tumour
or cancer cells. Most treatment options
that will be carried out with possible side effects include:
can only be performed when the disease has reached stages one and two which may
include total removal of the cervix and uterus, or lymph nodes in pelvis, may
remove the fallopian tube and ovaries. These surgical removals will only be
determined by your doctor.
therapy: cervical cancer radiation therapy treatment can be carried out at
any stage of the cervical cancer disease and can be divided into two types
which are: external radiation and internal radiation therapy
here is the use of medicines to kill cancer cells
The fact is that high doses of radiation
therapy to kill cancer cells can also kill healthy cells and side effects will
be more severe if chemotherapy has been used befor.
Most common side effects of the above
treatment options are:
Hair loss
Lack of interest in sex
Urinary and bladder changes
Nausea and vomiting
Trouble swallowing
Withered skin
Tiredness and weakness
Poor appetite
Mouth sores
Aloe Vera and cervical cancer
Because of the after effects of treatment options that do
occur on the body, aloe vera is used to improve the body conditions by boosting
the immune system and help to produce new cells that the body will need.
Aloe vera has also to prevent cancer cells from growing
because of the fact that it boost up the immune system. When the immune system
is boosted, then, it can fight the cancer cells by itself.
Why should you use this aloe vera?
Because of the after effects of the treatment
options that are used to treat cervical cancer
To rejuvenate the cells under the skin
To boost the immune system: studies have found
out that aloe vera helps to boost the immune system greatly
Aloe vera helps to shrink tumours and stop the
growth of cancer cells
Aloe vera helps to prevent cancer cell growth if
taken regularly
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information is kept strictly confidential.
In conclusion, preventing a disease is far better
than treating it. PAP is a very important routine test that you must carry out
and know your status. When cervical cancer has struck, it is not an easy thing
followed by its discomfort and pains. However, the number one factor cause in
HPV virus, and contracted through sexual intercourse. And having numerous
sexual partners increases your chances.
Prevention is better than cure.
Related articles:
- is cervical cancer curable
- cervical cancer symptoms
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