Crohn's Disease | Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Crohn’s disease
What is Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease can be defined as the swelling or inflammation of the linings in the digestive tract. It is also known as a disease if the inflammatory bowel Disease, which causes ulcerations of the intestines (large and small) which also, affect other parts of the digestive system.
Inflammatory bowel disease is a common disease which affects over 1 million people in the USA, and it is known to affect both male and female. The disease can start its process from the early stage, but early detect ion of the disease is a good preventive mechanism.
In the United Kingdom, it was estimated that 1 in 1500 people will have the disease and while another study said that 1 in 800 people will have the disease.
Crohn’s disease was named after a man, a physician who gave in depth analysis of the disease and give people more awareness. Other names which Crohn’s disease is known as are; colitis, regional enteritis, ileitis or terminal ileitis.

Causes of Crohn’s disease:
There are no likely or known causes of Crohn’s disease. But physicians have been able to come up with likely causes which might trigger the disease. More so that it could also be associated with life style and environmental changes. But some of the followings are likely causes which could cause of the disease:
i.                     May be caused by a particular gene is the patient.
ii.                   Environment causes as stated above
iii.                  Low immunity on patients
iv.                 Food allergies
v.                   Some bacterial infections such as E-coli bacteria can increase the chance of having the disease
vi.                 When there is too much white blood cells in the lining of the small and large intestine, this could cause inflammation, which could cause abdominal pain and discomfort.
vii.                the contentious use of contraceptives can cause the disease
viii.              Those who are chronic smokers and addicted to alcohol do at times have correlation with the disease.
ix.                 Family history. Meaning relatives who have the disease. There is a chance that such person might have the disease.

Symptoms of Crohn’s disease:
Symptoms of Crohn’s disease are quite similar to those who are experiencing irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer disease also. This is because; all the two diseases mentioned are all associated with the intestines and the digestive system. But some of the symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease include:
i.                     Mild to severe pain at the lower right side of the abdomen. Mild to severe pain as in depending on how inflammation has occurred or occurring in a particular patient. This this kind of pain also do occur in those who have liver disease.
ii.                   Bloody diarrhoea due to colon inflammation
iii.                  Swelling around the anus area
iv.                 Mucus coming out on its own from the anus without having to go to the toilet
v.                   Development of abscess in the anus area which could be painful can cause fever.
vi.                 Extreme tiredness
vii.                Loss of appetite
viii.              Weight loss: this usually happens because there is no appetite to eat food and to maintain weight. And because diarrhoea will also help to drain the person of all the body nutrients
ix.                 Anaemia
x.                   Liver problems, but not 100 per cent
xi.                 The patient might develop osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of arthritis.

How is Crohn’s disease diagnosed?
Depending on your doctor, he would first of all ask about your symptoms before carrying out test. Then test would have to be carried out to ascertain that it is Crohn’s disease and not any other disease that affects the intestine. These are the most commonly used methods to diagnose the Crohn’s disease in a patient.
i.                     Collection of your stool by the doctor for testing
ii.                   Through biopsy
iii.                  Through the investigation of the lower bowel by using a small telescope known as sigmoidoscopy
iv.                 Through the use of Colonoscopy
v.                   Carrying out blood test
vi.                 X-ray
vii.                CT scan

How is Crohn’s disease treated?
It can be treated through the use of medications or through the use of nutritional supplements and surgery.
Medications used for the disease include, i. anti-inflammatory drugs ii. Steroids. iii. Immune suppressant drugs, Infliximab and use of anti-biotic. These treatments with medicines could have adverse side effects especially if you are using immune suppressant drugs, everybody needs a good immune system to fight most diseases, and while using an immune suppressant drug, some of this other diseases can come up. Other anti-inflammatory drugs can cause some other things in the body, such as it can cause liver inflammation and chronic kidney disease.
Through nutritional supplement. A home remedy for Crohn’s disease
How probiotics, fruits and vegetables and aloe vera  can help to treat Crohn’s disease:

1.       Probiotics and Chrohn’s disease:
The digestive system needs friendly bacteria for proper functioning. Probiotics are friendly bacteria organisms that help the intestines and digestive system to function properly. Read more here about probiotics and Crohn’s disease (external site)
You can order your own probiotic from our USA online store here. Click the image below to start knows more and start your orders
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2.       Diet rich in fruit s and vegetables are considered to be of great help to those who are suffering from Crohn’s disease. One needs fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins and other important nutrients which are very important to the intestines and everything that has to do with the digestive tract. Since we cannot meet up with our daily need for fruits and vegetables, then we have made them into supplements for you so that we you can meet up with your daily fruit and vegetables requirements. A combination of over 15 fruits and vegetables all in one, The Forever Nature’s 18. Click on the image below to learn more and start your orders today.
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3.       Aloe vera barbadensis milla known for its medicinal properties, with over 200 minerals and nutrients, is a complete nutrient and natural therapy, to relief of the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Health professional have suggested the use of aloe vera, because of its anti-inflammatory properties and also good because of its anti-bacterial properties. It helps in building up new cells, for the intestines and creating it to become anew. Since inflammation of the intestine can cause uneasy symptoms, aloe vera will help to reverse the inflammation and heal the tear in the intestine.
However, the use of aloe vera to treat Crohn’s disease should be monitored strictly and inform your medical adviser first before taking it. Click here to learn more about our quality aloe vera
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