WinterGreen Oil - A natural Aspirin Alternative)

Also known as methylsalicyte, the winter green oil is widely produced by varieties of plant (such as the wintergreen plant) and it is known to be an organic ester.
In contemporary time, this oil has been used by the traditional American people because of its natural healing properties. Most of the people then used it to treat joint diseases such as rheumatism, diseased teeth, and relief pains associated with sore-throats, treat inflammation due to insect bites, snake bites or minor injuries. In this modern time of ours, wintergreen oil is still being used widely and it is mostly extracted via steam distillation of winter green leaves fresh.
To make you get familiarized with this oil, wintergreen oil extract is mostly used in balms not only as scents in these balms, but it also helps the skin to absorb properly the other herbs in these balms, which helps in enhancing these balms to relief joint pains quickly, stiffness in joints, muscles spasm and inflammations in any part of the body.
Wintergreen oil can be used as an alternative to aspirin. This is because a 5ml of wintergreen oil is equivalent to 7000mg salicylate or 2.5 adult aspirin. It is much more effective in acute pains than chronic pains.
Other known uses of wintergreen oil include:
-          Can be used as a substitute for black tea
-          Can be used for flavoring in root bears, and in tooth-pastes
-          The leaves are good for preventing tooth decay if they are chewed.
A negative effect of wintergreen oil if over used or used inappropriately is that it can cause damages to the liver.
You must know that using this natural product moderately is very important. For safer usage, you can use it with other oil based herbal products to reduce the risk of damages to the liver.

Simple ways to reduce Stress at Your Work Place

We all pass through stress at one point in time in our lives and as such, we all perceive it to be normal. But work related stress can be even greater and in which you have to exert yourself a lot. Job related stress may be due to different kind of factors at your work place; factors such as unfriendly co-workers, clients at work that over stress you physically, excess work load on you, trying to solve a particular problem can altogether put stress on you over time. In ether to reduce stress, I have list out the following tips for you in which you can try out.

1.       Do not over eat in the morning, instead, eat moderately. And in most cases, try and stay hydrated all the time by having a glass cup of water whenever you are feeling the need to or almost with you all the time. If you are dehydrated, you might become slow in responding to office duties. Make sure that you also bring light meals to your work place with you such as oatmeal, sandwiches, and if there is time for lunch, make sure you do not skip lunch, and if in your office they do not give time for lunch, in-between your busy time, grab a lunch (not heavy) and keep yourself refreshed.

2.       Stay close with workers that are more positive minded or optimistic in their view than those pessimistic in their views. Optimistic people tends to cheer you up even when you are having a work overload, and when you are cheered up, the work will seem easier to do, and thereby reducing the stress. Do not stay around negative thinkers and those who would spoil your day with negative words. You should rather ignore those kinds of people if you really want to relief yourself of job related stress.

3.       Focus on what you are to do for the day and try not to be distracted. Spending too much of time on the internet, social medias, too much of time attending to your own emails can draws you away from achieving your work for the day. If you need to attend to mails and see other things on the internet, you must plan your time for that and must be separated from your work periods. You can as well do this during your break times or while you know you are very free to do so.

What You will need for a good Liver Detox

A lot of people have underestimated the importance of the liver. People would rather take care of their skin, faces and their mouth and with less regards to other organs in the body, such as the liver.
The liver is a very important part of the body, a large organ which is located immediately below the breast but it is well placed and protected within the rib cages. Many traditional healers believe that if the liver is healthy, the rest of the body is healthy. In other words, if a disease shows some symptoms in a person, it is as a result of the fact that such person may be having a weakened liver. The following are few steps in form of programs In which you can help you to restore your liver.
-          Burn excess and unwanted fat in the body.
-          Get your bile flowing without obstruction
-          Elimination of toxic waste which the liver has filtered out
-          Helps to dissolve and pass out gallstones in the liver
-          Liver regeneration which has been damaged over time
You should not that if you have a weakened liver you may have some of the following symptoms:
-          Inability to digest properly
-          Lack of energy
-          Constipation
-          Allergies
-          Hay fever
-          Increased risk of having diabetes
-          Over weight
-          Infertility.

Simple Ways to Survive a Low Fat Diet

Many people who are dieting and on a conscious low fat diet and are successful with it are either aware or not aware that they needed to have some certain level of fat in their body. Nonetheless, it is important to take precautions when you are going on a low fat diet in other not to do more harm than good to your body. It is evident that fat helps to keep you energized and keep alert most throughout the day. So when you have less of fat in your body, than your body shows some symptoms such as tiredness, hot flashes, dizziness, low level of alertness etc.
But not to worry, these are some few steps in which you can lower your fat intake.
First step that you must put into consideration is that you must slowly reduce your fat intake so that your body can easily adapt to it. If you do reduce it in a fast way, your body might not be ready to adapt to it immediately and may pose some health risks initially highlighted above. Don't be in a hurry to do anything as regards to your health and body. Everything must be a gradual process.
Take more of vegetables: Instead of eating food that won't add any nutrition to your body, why not pick fresh vegetables and fruits likewise. They will help to boost your energy level at all time. Not only that, they are beneficial to the operation of the body metabolism. Food and vegetables also do have low levels of calories, but obviously, constantly eating these foods will help you to meet you daily calories without causing harm to yourself
Finally; occasional and not often, eat foods that are highly nutritious and even fatty, spicy and oily. Since you do this occasionally, it won't pose any health risk to you and your chances of growing weighty is zero as long as you do such one in a while. But, at the same time, be conscious not to over feed yourself and this might not be healthy for your intestine. And make sure that, fatty foods, oily, spicy foods you take occasionally are moderate enough and well mixed with good benefits for easy absorption. Eg cheese is very good and remember, high fat cheese should be occasional.
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Functions and the Importance of the Liver:

Our liver is just as important as our heart. This is because, the liver helps to filter impurity out of the body. If the liver is damaged, then the body will be ultimately left with the risk of many diseases and dangers.
Just imagine your car air filter developing a fault, you will find out that a lot will be wrong with the car. Now, imagine our body without the filter, the liver.
Let's look at the liver and what it is: It is the second largest organ in the body, making the skin the largest organ. The liver is located just below the chest in the rib cage, so, it is well protected. But the functions of the liver which will be highlighted soon are so important that you will certainly consider taking care of your liver.
These are the Functions of the Liver:
1. Discharge of waste products by proper cleansing of the blood.
2. Helps to put the fat in the body under check.
3. Helps to metabolize proteins in the body and likewise produce more protein.
4. Helps to decrease or stop the effects of poisons in the body.
5. Helps in managing chemicals and drugs
6. It helps in digesting by producing bile
7. Helps to boost the immune system.
8. Helps the storage of sugar, vitamins,
9. Helps to store energy.
10. Helps to control cholesterol in the body.
11. Helps to re generating dead tissues in the liver itself.

You can see that the liver has quite important functions, so take care of it. One enemy of the liver is the alcohol, improper diet etc.
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Ways to Make Healthier Food Choices in Fast Food Restaurants

Some people call foods in fast food restaurants as junk foods. Yes of cause, I might agree to some degree. This is because, most foods in fast food restaurants are fatty foods, foods high in calories, contain high concentration of artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners and foods which are high in cholesterol. These are the reasons why I would agree with the concept of ‘’junk foods’’ adopted by many people. But, do you know that, out of all these fast food restaurants, you can make out the best from the foods they have which can be very healthy and beneficial. This is what you will learn within these few minutes of your time.
How to make out the best (health wise) from fast food restaurants:
  • 1.       Look out for information about nutrition provided:
 In most fast food restaurants, requirements have been made by regulatory agencies to post in a conspicuous place the nutritional benefit of whatever food and drinks people are buying. This is well important and it is what you must require to see even if they are not placed in obvious places.  You must try and keep in check the level of calorie intake, fats sodium and level of cholesterol. High levels of any of this or all together in your body will pose serious health risk. You may as well choose water over soda-can drinks, or less sweetened drinks and make sure you don’t eat much.
  • 2.       Limit the potion size you take:
Foods in fast foods are relatively cheap and you can be easily tempted to eat more. By eating less of these foods, you will have lower chances of having poisonous materials consumed by you through these foods.
  • 3.       Make fresh food and drink items your options:
There are disadvantages of eating fresh produces over non fresh produces. This is because, anything fresh has higher concentrations of nutrients and which will be healthy for your body. Choose salads and vegetables over burgers and fried products.

Steps to boost your fertility

Infertility can be defined as a situation in which a woman or a man is not fertile enough to have children. In other words, a fertile woman will ovulate every other month. Symptoms of infertility in women may be seen when a woman misses her period even though she does not have intercourse.
Fertility in men is when a man has proper erection to last well for sex, fertile sperms and proper libido. A low sperm count or a watery sperm, and a non lasting erection and impotence (not having erection at all) are all characterized as a non fertile man. Sometimes, low libido or low sex drive can be a factor in considering infertility in both men and women.
There are some things that can increase your risk of being infertile, these are common to both men and women and I shall briefly list out. They are:
  • 1.       Excessive use of alcohol
  • 2.       Use of tobacco
  • 3.       Use of hard drugs
  • 4.       Some medicines can increase your risk of being infertile, such as some cancer medicines, like chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc
  • 5.       Some diseases in both men and women such as diabetes can also increase your chances.
  • 6.       Some sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • 7.       Others can be accidents and injuries.

These above are just to give you basic knowledge about infertility in men and women. You can read more about infertility here
But, nevertheless, the following are quick steps in which you can boost your fertility either as a man or a woman.
  • 1.       Control your weight: too much of fat in the body is not good for women because it helps to produce a particular hormone which obstructs proper ovulation. And without a proper ovulation, there is a low chance of pregnancy. And in men, too much of body fat can block the veins carrying blood to the penis. This can be known as cholesterols, as they can help to increase the chances of having erectile dysfunction which can ultimately lead to importance.
  • 2.       Eat well and make sure they are balanced.  Especially foods rich in zinc, magnesium, and iron and vitamin c. For example, vitamin c helps to boost libido in men, wears out cholesterol and helps to boost blood circulation in men. In women, most of the minerals and vitamins help proper ovulation.
  • 3.       Tobacco should be stopped. Do you know that smoking tobacco is highly toxic, or in other words, it is a good source of antigens in the body. So if you love antigens, you can keep smoking tobacco and increase your chances of having lung cancer and reducing your life expectancy. However, Antigens are the number one causes of infertility in both men and women. Sometimes, you will see that some men who are acute tobacco smokers and have fertility problems, if after for a whole they stopped the cigarette and they detoxify, they have an improved sperm quality and are fertile. So also goes for women who have irregular or do not ovulate at all.
  • 4.       Keep a cool mind and have fewer worries. If you are stressed and having depression all the time, they can both affect your being fertile. You need to keep calm all the time and don’t over work yourself or worry too much on anything. Else, pregnancy issues may be developed. For example, some people who suffered from P.T.S.D (Post traumatic stress disorder), have one time or the other lost their pregnancies while they had it. The best way to come out of a PTSD is to see a counselor and relax yourself
  • 5.       Exercise: most people do ignore exercise, but this is one of the simplest things to do. Exercise helot to burn fat, keeps the blood flowing properly and helps a woman to ovulate properly. In fact, there are evidences that exercise can help those with impotence or suffering from a low libido.  But, if you are nervous because you have ED, do not over stress yourself because it can do more harm than good.

Ways to cut Your Daily Intakes of Calories

Losing weight is not a joke. Although, it requires a lot of your efforts and calorie counts matters a lot. But, this article is to make you reduce your calories in special simple ways that you can easily follow. Too much of calories in the body are not good and too less of calories are not good at the same time. So, you must therefore seek the help of your healthcare provider to know the total amount of calories that you can have each day, which will make you stay healthy and which is likewise safe for you.

These are 6 tricks that can help you with your calories reduction:
  • 1.       Instead of taking artificial juice or soft drinks or soda drinks, why not take some nice fresh fruits from the fruits store near you. And if you need juice, they you can as well make your own juice by yourself with your juice extractor. If you don’t have a juice extractor, get it as soon as possible and you can make your own fresh juice yourself. Fresh juice made by you is better and with lower calories and they are safer. This is because they do not contain harmful produces which are found in packaged juice.
  • 2.       Downsizing your food intake will definitely have an impact on the amount of calories you take in per-day. The less you eat, the less likely your calorie intake will amount to per-day. Reduce intake of sandwich, iced creams, coffee drinks and other beverages.
  • 3.       If you are a lover of cheese, then you must cut down on the intake. This is because cheese can greatly increase your weight because it has high calorie concentrate. There are other different types of cheeses which are low in calories and fat. These are the ones you should go for.
  • 4.       Do not take dried fruits over fresh fruits. Dried fruits have dried nutrients. So, before you body can even process it for absorption, you have already excreted it out. But fresh fruits have their nutrients readily absorbable.
  • 5.       You must have the log of what you eat. This will help you to know what and amount of what you are consuming. In other words, keeping a food journal is importnt.
  • 6.       Take lots of water. Water will help you hydrated and makes your stomach full. Water is like food and has no calories at all. Water can also help to burn fat. Apart from that, water helps to purge out impurities hanging in the walls of our organs and flush out impurities generally from the body.

L-Carnosine And How it Helps to Slow down Ageing.

Carnosine is a substance in which few people know its purpose. And today, I shall shed more light on it and how beneficial it is.
Carnosine contains two vital amino acids which are alanine and histidine and they are in their most natural form of occurrence.
Carnosine was discovered mainly In Russia, not until it also became in large quantities in other countries such as the United States of America recently and other countries. Most of these countries are trying to make researches more on this substance to make verifications on claims made by the Russian that it is really good for anti-ageing.
One of such expericment was carried out in Australia, which was ground breaking.  They researchers found out that L-Carnosine has the ability to rejuvenate dead cells. Through laboraoty culture, they found out that, cells in cultured with Carnosine stay longer and do not grow old over the period of time of study. And another ground-breaking result that was found was that, Carnosine can greatly reverse the aging cells and make them younger again. This is because, the researchers also cultured old cells or weak cells with the Carnosine, and they were able to find out that the cells rejuvenate with the help of the amino acid. This was also verifiable when the cells were switched away from the Carnosine for a period of time, and the cells grew back to their old and weak looks.
Other important functions of Carnosine are listed below:

  • 1.       It helps to increase Cell life. Meaning, cells die, and it will take another process in the body to produce another type of cells. But the ratio of cells dying to cells being reproduced is small. When this occurs, aging is sure. But, since Carnosine helps to increase Cell life, then when the body produces cells, it is not stressed and it can meet up in time with the cell production.
  • 2.       Helps to increase life Expectancy. People who are on Carnosine are more likely to leave their lives to the fullest than those who are not on it at all. This is because cells that help to improve life expectancy stay longer and the body is not stressed in making out new cells.
  • 3.       The feel of looking young. When you see some people who are in their 30s, you will think they are 50 years old. And you wonder what is really wrong with them. And likewise, you see some people, at their 50th age, they look 30. This is because they make use of Carnosine which helps them to stay young. Staying young will ultimately make you feel young.
  • 4.       Powerful Antioxidant. What is an anti-oxidant? Antioxidants are components which are used to eradicate oxidants in the body. Oxidants are poisonous materials which get in our body through the food we eat the air we breathe etc. Oxidants help to boost ageing and will ultimately reduce the life span of a cell. Oxidants or antigens are one of the main causes of cancer in people as well as that it helps to increase other chances of having cardiovascular diseases. As a good anti oxidant, it will help to destroy this antigens in the body and you will feel wonderful and ok.
  • 5.       Carnosine helps to regulate our body. A body that is running more than itself, the Carnosine will help to regulate it, and so likewise for a body slow than how it is supposed to be.
Carnosine is normally produced in our body but it declines while we grow older, it is important to supplement and make your body healthier, younger and more beautiful.