WinterGreen Oil - A natural Aspirin Alternative)

Also known as methylsalicyte, the winter green oil is widely produced by varieties of plant (such as the wintergreen plant) and it is known to be an organic ester.
In contemporary time, this oil has been used by the traditional American people because of its natural healing properties. Most of the people then used it to treat joint diseases such as rheumatism, diseased teeth, and relief pains associated with sore-throats, treat inflammation due to insect bites, snake bites or minor injuries. In this modern time of ours, wintergreen oil is still being used widely and it is mostly extracted via steam distillation of winter green leaves fresh.
To make you get familiarized with this oil, wintergreen oil extract is mostly used in balms not only as scents in these balms, but it also helps the skin to absorb properly the other herbs in these balms, which helps in enhancing these balms to relief joint pains quickly, stiffness in joints, muscles spasm and inflammations in any part of the body.
Wintergreen oil can be used as an alternative to aspirin. This is because a 5ml of wintergreen oil is equivalent to 7000mg salicylate or 2.5 adult aspirin. It is much more effective in acute pains than chronic pains.
Other known uses of wintergreen oil include:
-          Can be used as a substitute for black tea
-          Can be used for flavoring in root bears, and in tooth-pastes
-          The leaves are good for preventing tooth decay if they are chewed.
A negative effect of wintergreen oil if over used or used inappropriately is that it can cause damages to the liver.
You must know that using this natural product moderately is very important. For safer usage, you can use it with other oil based herbal products to reduce the risk of damages to the liver.

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