Hepatitis C Virus | How Honey can help treat Hepatitis C Virus

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Honey and Hepatitis C Virus
What is hepatitis c virus?
Hepatitis c can be defined as an infection of the liver which is caused by a virus. When the virus affects the liver, it causes inflammation. Inflammation can be also defined as hepatitis. Hepatitis C is much different from the other types of Hepatitis virus (Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B). It is much more dangerous and symptoms only develop when liver scarring (cirrhosis) has already begun. Hepatitis C virus is much more common with liver transplant and dialysis than the other hepatitis a and b virus. See Liver disease
Hepatitis c virus overtime can lead to some other diseases and conditions such as cancer of the lymphatic system, diabetes, and some certain skin conditions.
Hepatitis c virus is diagnosed through the screening of the patient via symptoms and signs noticed and blood test to know the presence of antibodies.
Over 80 per cent of people will have no symptoms after being infected with the disease and this is the main cause of chronic hepatitis c virus because the symptoms will only show up when liver damages is already happening.
In USA, over 3.2 million people have chronic hepatitis c virus and over 9,000 deaths recorded annually.
The disease is much more common among young adults and older adults like between ages 40-60.

How is Hepatitis C transmitted or spread?
i.                     Unprotected sexual intercourse, but this is more or less common only if such person have bleeding or blood contact through the sexual organs, risk of having the disease is high.
ii.                   Common among illicit drug users through the use and sharing of needles
iii.                  From mother to unborn child.
iv.                 Unlike Hepatitis A and B, skin to skin contact cannot help spread the infection

How to prevent Hepatitis C virus:
i.                     Staying away from multiple sexual partners, use protection or abstain from casual sexual intercourse.
ii.                   Do not share personal things like tooth brush manicures etc with anybody. Keep your things personal and private.
iii.                  Avoiding of needle sharing among illicit drug users
iv.                 Use of sterilization or disposing off used equipment is carrying out blood test, transfusion etc
v.                   Blood donors should be screened if they have the virus, else, it will be transferred to the person having the blood.

Risk factors of hepatitis C:
i.                     Mother to new born child
ii.                   Some people who received liver transplant and blood product before year 1992
iii.                  People who have abnormal liver enzymes
iv.                 People who are addicted to illicit drugs and share needles.
v.                   Not associated with family history or hereditary

Signs and symptoms of Hepatitis C virus:
i.                     The feel of tiredness and general body weakness.
ii.                   Men experience unusual breast enlargement.
iii.                  Blood clothing becomes difficult.
iv.                 Blood vessels close to the skin area form a spider web like shape.
v.                   Palm rashes.
vi.                 Weight loss that is as a result of the lack of eating due to loss of appetite.
vii.                Nausea which could led to dehydration and eventually collapse and falling into coma
viii.              Confused state which is caused by liver failure because the liver is not able to perform its basic functions again
ix.                 Jaundice: yellowing of the skin and the white of the eyes turn yellow
x.                   Dark urine
xi.                 Abdominal pain in the liver area
xii.                vomiting

Treatment for Hepatitis C using Honey
A Hepatitis C Virus Treatment.
Do not take the words here as a replacement to your doctor’s advice, or talk to your doctor about the uses 
of honey to treat liver disease and hepatitis C virus.
According to medhelp.org, discussions where put up but how honey can help to treat hepatitis c virus, mostly were combinations of patients and doctors. Most of the patients had experience the disease and had it cured with the use of quality honey and some of the doctors supported it also but the few that did not support it where not sure because they had to make their own personal findings to contribute to what others are saying.
Honey is just good for the liver because it helps the liver to rejuvenate, regulate liver enzymes and serves as  food to the liver for it to become better after it has gone through scarring by the virus.
Doctors all over the world are also using honey has an alternative treatment to treat liver disease caused by hepatitis.
Generally, honey is used to treat any form of liver disease due to hepatitis infection.
Honey, has been proven to treat hepatitis and chronic hepatitis, because it increases the liver stock of the glycogen materials through the increase of blood glucose, thus helping the liver to function properly and relieving it from more burdens.
‘’Many patients (put on observation) who have used honey to treat hepatitis have had excellent results and testimonies’’ Dr Fadil al Hassan Shamsi Pasha, a health consultant in King Fahd Hospital and so many other doctors like him have observed how honey works miraculously to treat hepatitis type of disease.
The honey also helps to boost weakened immune system.
In addition, honey does not strain the liver but limits the activities of the virus, regulates enzymes and liver functions.
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Related articles:
-          Hepatitis A
-          Hepatitis B
-          Liver disease

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