Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of brain
disorder (dementia) in older people age 60years and above. This is when there
is a serious condition in which a person’s thinking is affected and may not be able
to carry normal daily activities has used to.
The first onset of Alzheimer’s disease is the effect of the
part of the brain that controls the way of thinking, retaining memory and
speech. Here, the person affected might
not be able to reason adequately, mostly behaves irrationally and not be able
to solve common mathematical calculations, the person will generally forgets
himself or not be able to remember that he just finished doing something, and difficulty
in language.
An example of a person suffering from this disease is when
he doesn’t remember the faces of close relatives, forgetfulness of normal daily
activities like: how to brush the teeth, forget how to drive a car, forget how
to put on the cloth, how to put the tv on, where the fridge is, how to put the
computer on and so on.
In all, Alzheimer’s disease is the quick forgetfulness of
everything that has just gone by around a person suffering from the disease.
Overtime, if care is not taken, symptoms may get worse and
eventually death. It is unfortunate that there are no treatments for Alzheimer’s
disease, but some medications and herbs have been known to be used to reduce
symptoms or slow it down and thereby improve the condition of such person
suffering from it.
Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease:
- - Frequent forgetfulness: this form of forgetfulness is different from normal forgetfulness that is associated with old age. The forgetfulness associated with Alzheimer’s symptom could include: such person no longer remembering at all that he just do something. Even if told he did it, he would start arguing that he didn’t. Only a video recorded while he was doing so would only convince him.
- - Decreased sense of smell.
- - Blurry vision. Although, vision impairment could be associated with old age, but this is also a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease
- - making judgement irrationally.
- - Slow speech or inability to form proper sentence as used to. This will become more difficult has the disease begins to advance.
Causes and risk factors of Alzheimer’s
disease: Scientists are yet to finalize what causes Alzheimer’s disease, but
there is some closely related phenomenon that could cause this condition:
- - Hereditary: people who have parents or siblings with this condition have the high chance of having this disease. Genes have been discovered by scientists that are found in people around the world that could make them have this disease: Risk gene: increases the chances that such person might develop the disease, but not guaranteed. And Deterministic gene, this kind of people with this gene will surely develop Alzheimer’s disease when they get older.
- - Lifestyle Factors: like serious head injuries, lack of exercise, not eating health, smoking, over use of alcohol.
Alzheimer’s disease truly affects
the older people more, but it is significant to know it stages and how it advances
to a stage of no return at all. The early stage can still be controlled and
slowed down and well managed before it reaches its advanced stage.
Stage one: this is characterized by mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s
disease. This include memory loss increases,
easily getting lost, inability to handle calculations especially when it comes
to money, depression or mood swings, anxiety and not be able to know street
direction and eventually getting lost. Mostly, people get diagnosed at this
stage. At this stage, it can still be managed before it get finally critical.
Stage two: this is when the disease is now in advancing mode and
begins to damage the part of the brain that controls language, ability to
reason, loss of sensation and feel. Here, sufferers begin to have the symptom
of not remembering friends and family. Would forget how they used to cook,
drive or put on cloths which become heavy task for them. It is like giving university
mathematics for a junior class student. Hallucinations and delusions and paranoia
will also follow. Here, this is when they need much of the care from family and
friends and those who normally would understand what they are suffering from.
Stage three: This is when proteins have accumulated in the spaces
between nerve cells called plaques and build-up of proteins inside the nerve
cells (tangle). This is the stage where the disease has reached its severe
stage. This is when brain tissue has shrunk finally. Here, the body shuts down
with lack of ability or response. Sufferers are no longer aware of their
environment and completely unaware of what they do. Much care should be given
here because they are completely dependent.
When you are seeing the above
signs, it is best for you to see your doctor or health care provider and talk
to him or her. This will not only give you the information you want, but also
psychological relief.
Ginkgo biloba and Alzheimer Disease:
studies have found that Alzheimer’s supplement or extract could improve memory.
It is widely used in Europe for dementia because it improves blood flow to the
brain. In fact, a number of studies have found that ginkgo have a positive
effect on memory and thinking in people with Alzheimer’s disease by improving
thinking, learning and memory, improving daily activities, improving social
behaviour and reduces depression.
Ginkgo is widely taunted as a
brain tonic and some studies have found it to be helpful for people with Alzheimer’s
disease, also, some studies found slight benefits and some studies found no
benefits at all.
When taking ginkgo, it is best to
take it with the advice of a professional medical personnel or doctor because
it has been found to have some possible interactions with some medications like
anti-depressants, seizure medications, medications for High blood pressure, Blood
thinner medications, Diabetes medications, Ibuprofen, Trazodone, Thiazide
Diuretics, Cycloprine.
Please, DO NOT use this supplement without the advice from your doctor.
Heart Disease and Alzheimer’s disease: There is a direct link with
your heart and brain. A healthy heart will ultimately be good for a healthy
brain. Take care of your heart and your brain will be healthy. Studies have
found out that brain disease directly links to heart disease. So it is best you
take food rich in omega 3 (tuner, mackerel), and omega 9 (vegetables) for a
healthy heart. Get your quality omega3/9(forever arctic sea super omega)
supplement from our secure online store HERE. 
In conclusion, Alzheimer’s disease
is an irreversible condition and it can be slowed down if you do the following:
healthy diet, staying socially active, and engaging in intellectually stimulating
activities. People with this condition need more care and love to be shown to
them. Even if they are not aware you are there, just show your love. Although,
it is not easy to take care of a person suffering from the disease, but still
love is important. Love your neighbour like you would love yourself. Just think
if it were someone close to you, would you abandon the person?
Show the love and spread the
word. People with this condition where once normal like you, so SHOW THE
Proper knowledge and importance of having a good and healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factor to avoid from suffering on this kind of diseases.
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Thank you so much for publishing on this very important topic, this more helpful to all reader for being aware of causes and symptoms of this kinks of diseases and how will become to avoid this.
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