Why you Need Supplements

You must have frequently heard from your personal doctor, even on adverts on television that you may not necessarily need supplements as long as you eat a balanced diet. Even if we have some iota of truth in those statements, it can only be applied to the food produced almost centuries ago. Not the types of foods we eat these days that are biologically enhanced with little or no nutritional values at all.

Consider the following carefully
1.       Since the world has turned to fertilizer type of farming, the nutritional values of foods have taken an enormous turn around, with their nutritional values falling everyday even over the course of 50 to 70 years. This is because, the quality of soil now cannot be compared with the quality of soil then. Over time, vital minerals in the soil have been lost and the food produces we eat have less nutritional values.

2.       From a research carried out by Rutgers University, it was confirmed that as of current, it takes nineteen ears of corn to equal the nutritional value of just one ear of corn grown over 50 years ago. Phew, that is a serious one!

3.       Also, we have less nutrient in the wheat of today, than in wheat of over 50 years ago
With all these points about, you can see for yourself that humans have exchanged quality for quantity. And the quality of food we eat is next to zero. We consume lot, and yet we have little as nutrient for our body. By so doing, we put our body at the mercy of free radicals and opportunistic diseases.

Getting your supplement will not be an issue.
You can visit here

Or our mother site here. FOREVERLIVING PRODUCTS

Just don’t forget, my distributor id is 234001278666. Don’t forget, you can get your supplement anywhere you are in the world. Just use my distributor i.d to complete your order online. J


  1. If you want to spend a healthy life you should take a healthy diet and nutritional food also with supplements.Nice blog thanks for info.
