The Importance of Keeping a Food Journal.

Your Health And Fitness tip today!

What is a food journal? According to definition from the web dictionary, a food journal is a written record of all foods and drinks consumed by a person over a given time. It can assist in personalizing dietary planning (good for people who are trying to watch their weight or reduce their weight).
The Food Journal It contains everyday meals, including in-meals such as fast foods or quick snacks, drinks etc.
Before I started keeping diet, I decided to keep a record of how I ate on daily basis. I found out that, after taking an heavy breakfast, I would still eat some other quick foods I can easily grab. To cut my story short, in a day, I might have eaten like 5 to 6 times. I decided to cut down on it and kept a Food journal. Reasons are because 1: I noticed that I was becoming overweight, and could not do things I used to do before. And 2: Little work like walking or running, I would easily get tired. So, I had to raise a red flag and watch my weight considerably.
Now, I'm sure if most of you keep records of your daily intake of food and food types, I am very certain Guinness book of record will really find it hard to choose whom should have the award.
Not to bore you much, let me give you the importance of keeping food journals:
1. Helps in Proper diet Plan and Tracking: By honestly keeping a food journal, practically and theoretically, you will be able to deduce how much food you are eating or how less you are eating. So, if you are really concerned about your weight or food allergies, then, this will be easier to know and control through keeping your food journal.
2. To know when you can eat some food you crave in-between diet: most often, we feel that while we are dieting, we should take some food(snacks etc) in between(and think to ourselves "no harm done"). What you should know Is that, this must be done consciously and consider the fact that it may or may not affect your diet negatively.
3. Encouragement: when you keep a food Journal, it encourages you to discipline yourself, and knowing what and when to eat at the right and proper time. If you eat the right food at the wrong time, it can do more harm than good to you.
4. Keep a positive mind: some people are always doubtful of their diets. Keeping a food journal will help you keep a positive mind towards yourself and your health.


  1. Healthy and balanced diet is not only good for the health but it can also help to maintain body weight and obesity. So try to make a journal which includes all kind of healthy foods and fruits.
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    1. I must say, you are also 100% right. Keeping food Journal is most important for a healthy diet. If we keep a healthy diet, 50% of our problems are already solved. Thanks for the comment.
